Computer Literacy Training Programs

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/27/2023 - 9:55pm
Programs that provide instruction for individuals of all ages who want to learn about or perfect their skills in using computers, computer-related hardware and specific home and business applications including word processing, spreadsheet development, presentation development, database management, electronic publishing and image processing. Included are both introductory classes for people unfamiliar with computers and the Internet and more advanced courses, as well as programs that provide instruction in the use of related technology such as smartphones and social media. Instruction may focus on publishing tools such as blogs, video logs (vlogs), photo sharing, podcasting or wikis.
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Use References
Access Classes, Accounting Software Classes, Blackbaud Classes, Blogging Classes, Cell Phone Programming Classes, Computer and Related Technology Classes, Computer Classes, Computer Education, Computer Learning Centers, Computer Learning Centres, Computer Literacy Classes, Computer Literacy Programs, Computer Skills Development, Computer Training, Digital Literacy Classes, Excel Classes, Internet Literacy Classes, Internet Searching Classes, iPad Classes, iPhone Classes, Lotus Classes, Microblogging Classes, Microsoft Access Classes, Microsoft PowerPoint Classes, Microsoft Word Classes, Mobile Phone Classes, Money Management Classes, Money Management Workshops, NonprofitBooks Classes, Online Searching Classes, PDA Classes, Peach Tree Software Classes, Personal Digital Assistant Classes, Podcasting Classes, PowerPoint Classes, Presentation Software Classes, Raiser's Edge Classes, RSS Feed Classes, Smartphone Classes, Social Bookmarking Classes, Social Networking Applications Classes, Spreadsheet Software Classes, Tablet Classes, Twitter Classes, Web Searching Classes, Wiki Classes, Word Classes, Word Perfect Classes, Word Processing Software Classes
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