Licensed clinicians provide in-person, one-on-one substance use disorder assessments to help clients determine what treatment options are best for them. The assessment process includes completing necessary paperwork and takes an hour and a half to complete.
Provides evaluations and counseling to clients who have been charged or convicted of domestic violence-related offenses. A client will receive a psychosocial assessment including a review of the incident report, a criminal background report, and a risk assessment. Counseling methods include Social Learning Theory (SLT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
Offers one-day anger management classes. The class helps participants deal with anger positively and functionally and identify triggers.
Provides mandated educational, and treatment services for individuals who have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs including prescription drugs. The treatment model focuses on abstinence and random urinalyses are included in the program.
Provides individual and group substance use disorder counseling. using the Motivational Enhancement Therapy model with a focus on abstinence.
Offers one day educational classes on topics including thinking errors, anger management, parenting, and alcohol and drug abuse.
Provides support groups for individuals who have been physically or emotionally abused by a spouse or partner. The support groups offer participants emotional support, and information and resources.