The Caregiver Support Program provides information, assistance, individual counseling, support groups, training, respite, and some medical equipment and/or supplies to individuals who are caring for a loved one 60 years or older. This program also provides services to grandparents who are 60 years or older and are the primary caregivers living with grandchildren 18 years or younger, who are affected by mental retardation or have developmental disabilities.
Services include in home services, shopping, medical transportation, and personal care.
Programs and support for the senior citizens of Box Elder, Cache, and Rich Counties to increase quality of life and extend independence. Services include in home services, shopping, medical transportation, and personal care.
Meals on Wheels is a program for senior citizens through local senior centers in Box Elder, Rich, and Cache Counties delivering hot, nutritious meals to eligible residents.
Evidence based activities to include range of motion, strength, and a healthy lifestyle. In home services are also provided to assist seniors remaining in their homes.
Counselors offer Medicare beneficiaries objective information on benefits, coverage options, supplementing Medicare, prescription drug plans, and assistance programs, providing free, unbiased counseling via telephone, face-to-face interactions, public presentations, and media activities to help seniors make educated decisions. The Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) empowers beneficiaries, families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report healthcare fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education.
The Caregiver Support Program provides information, assistance, individual counseling, support groups, training, respite, and some medical equipment and/or supplies to individuals caring for
family 60 years or older. Provides services to grandparents 60 years or older and primary caregivers living with grandchildren 18 years or younger, affected by mental retardation or having developmental disabilities.
Advocates on behalf of residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other residential care facilities licensed by Utah Department of Health by voicing and resolving the concerns that elderly residents encounter. The Ombudsman helps residents to resolve complaints and concerns and informs residents and their families about the resident's rights.
The Utah Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides food vouchers for buying produce at local farmers markets.