Provides the city government department offices for South Salt Lake. Specific offices include business registration/licensing, building inspection, and building plan check, and the office of the mayor.
Provides business licenses to businesses within South Salt Lake. Any organization doing business in South Salt Lake must obtain a business license prior to doing business within the city. The office ensures that all businesses within the city are adhering to city standards and meeting county and state requirements.
Provides building inspections during construction projects to confirm that the project adheres to approved plans and city codes. A certificate of occupancy or a certificate of completion is issued when the project is completed and in compliance with all code requirements.
The office processes applications and reviews building plans to ensure compliance with city codes before issuing a building permit.
The office of the mayor of South Salt Lake, Utah. The mayor oversees all functions and day-to-day operations of the city and promotes economic development.
Provides South Salt Lake residents and businesses with culinary water supply and wastewater collection.
Provides garbage (waste) collection services to South Salt Lake residents and businesses.
Utility payment assistance program that helps residents of South Salt Lake (including those served by Jordan Valley, Mount Olympus Valley, or Salt Lake City water providers) with water, sewer, and garbage utilities ONLY. This program does not help with power. or natural gas utilities. The program runs Oct 1 - Sept 30 and the maximum assistance amount is $150 or the balance of the utility account, whichever is less.