One on one tutoring with refugee students.
Granite School District offers educational programs for students in grades K through 12 as well as a variety of adult and community education courses.
Preschool services for all children 3-5 years of age, who are referred, assessed and have been determined to meet eligibility requirements necessary to receive special education services.
Offers services for students with significant disabilities in Granite School District.
Offers speech and language services for students with a full range of communication disorders such as stuttering, delayed articulation, language disorder, or voice impairments.
Devices are available for students in the Granite District. Internet hotspots are also available on a limited basis.
SORA is an online learning resource offering E-books and audiobooks that can be borrowed, read, or listened to on any computer or smart device.
One lunch meal provided to all children ages 0-18 at no cost. Adult meals available for $3. All sites open Monday-Friday, June 3rd-August 2nd. See website for locations and times.
The McKinney-Vento program provides services to students experiencing homelessness or in unconventional housing situations. Services include school fee waivers, lunch fee waivers, basic needs and healthcare referrals, and occasionally school transportation.