Clothing donations and hygiene items welcomed and appreciated.
Volunteer opportunities for court ordered community service in facilities operations, such as cleaning, gardening, and picking up garbage around the outside of the building.
Assistance for veterans arranged by having a representative from Veteran's Affairs (VA) meet client at the Lantern House for comprehensive services.
Helps covering cost of ID cards for those in need.
Provides basic dental care to individuals experiencing homelessness including fillings, extractions, and cleanings.
Program designed to prevent homelessness for people seeking shelter by identifying immediate alternative housing arrangements and rapid response housing programs. Case managers will connect individuals with services and financial assistance so they can return to permanent housing.
Assistance for pay the cost of obtaining a birth certificate for those in need.
Food donations welcomed and appreciated.
Hygiene kits distributed to those in need during noon meal.
Hot meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served every weekday. Sack meals served on weekends at same hours and can be consumed in the lunchroom.
Donations of cleaning supplies, toilet paper,and personal hygiene items are welcome and appreciated.
Emergency shelter for single men, single women, and families. Accommodates residents and nightly overflow. Non inspection separate accommodation is also offered.
Provides primary care, behavioral health to individuals experiencing homelessness. Services include family planning, preventative care and physicals, well child checks, immunizations, self care support, treatment for acute and chronic illness, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, and treatment for depression and anxiety.
Variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups serving meals or with facility operations such as cleaning and collecting donations. Available for scout project.
Emergency cold weather beds available as a part of expanded capacity due to Code Blue. Relaxed intake requirements and expedited intake.