Parents as Teachers (HMG)

Parents as Teachers helps organizations and professionals work with parents during the critical early years of their children's lives, from conception to kindergarten. By administering home visits to families, developing curricula, training professionals and advocating for children and family. In Utah, Parents As Teachers is found at the following locations: Salt Lake City School District, Utah County Health Department, The Learning Center for Families, Guadalupe Schools, Children's Service Society of Utah, Salt Lake CAP Head Start, Carbon County Family Support Center, and Salt Lake County Health Department.

Home Visits focus on parent-child interaction, development-centered parenting, and family well-being; on strengths, capabilities and skills; and on building protective factors within the family. PAT serves a range of families with high needs - not just first time parents, pregnant parents or teen parents - and offers services from birth to kindergarten entry. Families with children under the age of 3 are most likely to receive services.

At-risk families with children under the age of 5.
Service Hours:
Home visits scheduled on individual basis
Intake Procedure:
Phone registration at one of local locations, followed by an intake form and evaluation with trained visitor.
Service Contact Information: