Shopping assistance is available to assist those who are not able to leave their homes to do their own shopping or do necessary errands. A worker will pick up shopping list and pick up supplies and deliver them back the same day.
Operates legal seminars with a variety of legal information pertinent for seniors.
Accepts reports of incidents when there are concerns about abuse or exploitation of a disabled or older adult.
Offers appointments with outreach workers that can help apply for and get more information about Medicare, Medicaid, and health insurance.
Provides transportation services throughout the county via a fixed route and a ride request service. Escorts are available to help passengers get into and out of the vehicle. Wheelchair support is also available.
Provides home delivered meals for eligible seniors.
Meals are nutritionally balanced which provide the RDA for older adults. Some modified diets are available with nutrition counseling by a registered Dietitian. A second meal or Ensure is also available for eligible persons.
Senior center that serves as the area agency on aging for Uintah county.
Provides appointments with case managers that can help clients determine eligibility for services and connect to community resources.
Operates several recreational activities and programs for seniors including pool, exercise classes, card games, bingo, and dancing.
Provides blood pressure screening clinics twice per month. Also occasionally provides accompanying nutrition education.
The Utah Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides food vouchers for buying produce at local farmers markets.