Provides legal seminars on a variety of subjects to individuals 60 and over.
Provides transportation services to all areas of Uintah County for county residents 60 and over. Wheelchair access is available with advance notice.
An area agency on aging that provides a wide range of services to seniors. These services include case/care management, congregate meals, elder law, senior ride programs, adult day programs, health insurance information and counseling, home-delivered meals, errand/shopping assistance, adult protective services, and a senior center.
Provides a variety of recreational activities including billiard tables, card games, bingo, dances each week with a live band, and barbecues during the summer months.
Health insurance counselors provide information about Medicaid, Medicaid, and supplemental insurance policies. Also, counselors may assist with necessary paperwork and applications.
Provides home-delivered meals to homebound clients in Uintah County. Also, Ensure is available to clients who need it.
Provides shopping assistance to those unable to leave their homes to do their shopping or do necessary errands. A worker will get the list, shop for the groceries, and deliver them to the client.
Investigates suspected abuse or exploitation of an older or disabled adult.
Provides a community setting where seniors may congregate to receive services and socialize.
Case managers assess potential clients to determine service eligibility and arrange individualized care. Services provided may include personal care, homemaker assistance, adult day care, home modification, emergency response system, meals, transportation, equipment, shopping assistance, caregiver respite, and overnight respite within program guidelines. Services coordinate with other community partners to maximize support.
Serves a nutritionally balanced meal to seniors 5 days per week. Some special modifications are available. Also, a liquid nutritional supplement is available to eligible persons.
The Utah Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides food vouchers for buying produce at local farmers markets.