Utah Juvenile Defender Resource Center

Provides criminal record expungement assistance for people convicted of crimes in Utah as juvenile defendant.s

A nonprofit agency that holds statewide clinics to help people expunge their juvenile criminal records for crimes committed in Utah. It is a single resource to get fingerprints taken, motions filled out, fees waived, and all documents filed by a qualified defense attorney.

A person may qualify for expungement of their juvenile record if they are at least 18 years old and at least one year has passed from the date of:
termination of juvenile court jurisdiction; or
the person's unconditional release from the custody of the Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services.
Cases from states other than Utah are NOT ELIGIBLE for review/expungement.
Service Hours:
M - F 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Register for an expungement clinic on the website or call for more information.
No cost
Service Contact Information: