A drop-in center for LGBTQ+ people. Resources include an LGBTQ+ history library and a board game collection. Referrals to related resources are provided such as LGBTQ+-affirming medical providers, lawyers, barbershops, etc.
A LGBTQIA+ community center serving Salt Lake County and the entire State of Utah. The center aims to celebrate Utah's diverse LGBTQIA+ community with safe, accessible, and inclusive programs, events, and services. Services provided include LGBTQ2+ support groups, LGBTQ2+ advocacy, event coordination volunteer opportunities, a drop-in center, and a suicide prevention program.
Provides various support groups for the LGBTQ+ community including a men's support group, a women's support group, substance use support groups, and transgender support groups.
Offers training for individuals and groups on LGBTQ+ awareness and allyship. The training may be adapted to the needs of the requesting organization. Available training topics include QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), LGBTQ+ Inclusion Basics, Queer Sex Education, I.D.E.A. (Inclusion, Diversity, Education, Accessibility), and CRC (Challenge Rape Culture).
Provides clerical volunteer opportunities including answering phones, receptionist duties, helping with events, and helping facilitate support groups.
A program that addresses all aspects of suicide in the LGBTQ+ community from early intervention and prevention to postvention support on a state-wide level. The program operates under the three pillars of education, resources, and support. It serves the entire state of Utah.