Operates the 4-H program which teaches youth leadership, citizenship, and life skills using a learning by doing approach. Provides opportunities to participate in the county fair and a teen council.
Provides educational material to the public in areas of family and consumer science, horticulture, agriculture, 4-H youth programs, community development, and water quality.
Provides information and assistance to farmers, ranchers, and food producers relating to soil quality and crop rotation timing.
Provides educational material to the public in areas of home economics and personal finance best practices.
Offers a variety of parenting courses through the Healthy Relationships Utah program.
Provides nutrition education to aid individuals and families have a more nutritious lifestyle at any budget. Create Better Health classes aim to increase each participant’s knowledge of nutrition, cooking, food safety, budgeting, and physical activity, as well as helping to find access to safe and nutritious food.
Stepfamily workshops through the Smart Steps for Stepfamilies program. Classes are mostly held virtually, with some in-person courses available.
Provides information and education regarding substance use disorder, specifically opioid use, through the HEART Initiative. Education topics include chronic pain management, injury prevention, Naloxone training, and referral to other substance use providers.